High Spatial Resolution RGB


The PhaseOne is an ultra-high resolution 100MP digital, RBG frame camera made for aerial photography and photogrammetry, building 2D and 3D maps of a surveyed area.

PhaseOne provides a pixel size of only a few tens of cm across from a flying height of 1km, offering extremely high resolution surveys. It can be used in combination with the array of instruments to give precise spatial information, with the high resolution showing minute details. PhaseOne imagery can be combined with LiDAR point elevation data to create precise digital elevation models. The RBG bands can be split up and combined with NIR images to generate distortion-free images and co-register pixels from NIR to RGB images.


Screenshot 2023-01-17 at 13.21.50
Ultra-High Resolution Mapping

Image of York Cathedral taken during the 2023 campaign season

Screenshot 2023-01-17 at 13.21.50

Image of a Canadian wildfire, taken on the 2023 FIDEX Campaign

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Contact Info

King’s College London, Bush House (NE wing), 30 Aldwych, London, WC2B 4BG

